Dana Nolan, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, was recently quoted in an article, by US NEWS & World Report about cancer patients being at a higher risk of suicide, anxiety, depression and PTSD than the rest of the population.

Some highlights from the article are below, the full article can be viewed HERE:

“Receiving a cancer diagnosis is hard, and a recent study found many cancer patients consider suicide as they struggle with their condition. . .”

“The study, which was published Jan. 7 in the American Cancer Society’s journal Cancer, is the largest to evaluate trends in suicide risk after a cancer diagnosis. Researchers found the risk of suicide is 2.5 times higher for cancer patients within a year of diagnosis compared with the general population. . .”

. . .The National Cancer Institute shows that approximately 25 percent of cancer survivors experience symptoms of depression and up to 45 percent experience anxiety. About 20 percent experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Mental health professionals recommend reaching out and offering support to those newly diagnosed with cancer.  . .”

“Social support for cancer patients – from partners, peers, support programs or professionals in a one-on-one setting – has an important role in suicide prevention . . .”

“Dana Nolan, a licensed mental health counselor with more than 15 years of experience counseling cancer patients, said patients should be “allowed to talk about any concerns and feelings they may have about their cancer and their future.” . . .”

“… “Some people with cancer say they feel pressured to only talk with loved ones about positive outcomes such as a remission or a cure,” Nolan said. . . .”

” . . . “If you suspect that your loved one is thinking about or planning a suicide attempt, do not be afraid to directly and specifically ask, ‘Are you thinking about killing yourself?'” Nolan said. “It is a myth that asking someone about suicide will increase the risk of them doing it or that it puts the idea of suicide in their head.” . . .”

You can read the entire article written by, Karen Selby by clicking here….